
How is that not antisemitic?

@Zurel said in #21:
> as a jew, I think the way to stop antisemitism is TO STOP TALKING ABT IT

Yes; not talking about it will absolutely stop the bomb threats being aimed at synagogues across the US. Not talking about the problem doesn't make it go away.
<Comment deleted by user>
@CadyRocks said in #31:
> Yes; not talking about it will absolutely stop the bomb threats being aimed at synagogues across the US. Not talking about the problem doesn't make it go away.

Racism only has power because we give it such
@twighead said in #27:
> To a fellow Jew then - you sound like one that hasn't experienced it truly - in real force.
> Silence is deadly, do not drop your shield - speak up for yourself if you do.

I'm not saying silence, or acting like that doesn't exist, I deal with it every day from the mormons here in ut, but I still follow kosher and wear my yamaka
It's just like... dont y'all ever get sick of it?
@sdkman said in #8:
> @twighead oh because racism is everywhere maybe? Everyone imagines they are the only one being treated bad, everyone imagines his race is the one being treated awful.
Maybe, instead of using the word "imagine", we can just acknowledge that there's racism everywhere, towards everyone?
> Let me tell you something, anti semitism js also on Arabs because we are both semits
Yes, we know that.
> And let me tell you that, not only Jewish people experience hate, so does Arabs and Muslims, here is the thing, whenever someone talks about the idf he gets called anti Semitic and this is what I pointed out
I think most people saw the sarcasm in your original post. You got downvoted because you tried to tell people what was anti-semitic and what wasn't.
> My statement wasn't against Jewish
Yes it was.
> My statement meant that people all around the world ignore things like these in the Harry Potter movie and call US those who talk about Palestinians right anti Semitic, but apparently you take everything as a personal attack.
Because that wasn't what the original post was about! You can go a day without bringing in Gaza politics, for sure.
> You need to understand that some statements are sarcastic and mean the inverse of what is said
And the sarcasm itself is a strawman. I believe most people saw the sarcasm. But
1) It's an oversimplified argument and a strawman
2) It doesn't have anything really to do with the original post
Not everything has to be about Israel and Palestine.
> Again it isn't that I know nothing about discrimination?????? I have been victim of it multiple times, people I know... I have been victim to discrimination it isn't only you who git discriminated against for your race! I also experienced the same
Just because you've been discriminated against doesn't mean you're an absolute expert on it now. Don't tell other people what to think, or bring up random politics out of nowhere, and you'll have a foot to stand on.
I don't know four legs, I think its just a coincidence lol. And I'm not even sure that you're not joking so excuse me if I didn't get it. Like are we even allowed to have coincidences anymore? Does it always have to be a hidden message? Crooked hook-nosed beings counting money is a general stereotype of rich people, and evil people in general, and these people are basically working for the dark lord so I think they qualify as at least partially evil. I think that was true of Scrooge in Disney cartoons as well.

Now, on you go four legs :).
@WassimBerbar said in #10:
> The thing is, what does Harry Potter have to do with what's happening right now in Gaza? If you want me to talk about Oct. 7th and other stuff with greater importance, why post in #1 a Harry Potter theory?
Why do we have to talk about Gaza in every single off-topic forum post? Dragging the war into everything isn't going to really help. It's just going to end with a bunch of people hating each other on behalf of their side in politics. Dragging Gaza into every single forum post is only going to make people stop listening to what you have to say. Which is kind of ironic, considering none of us are actually on the battlefield right now.
People didn't mention October 7 in the original post? Moreover, iirc you don't believe October 7 was caused by Hamas?

Taking everything in silence is not going to help. It's just going to make people forget about you. One of the biggest things in politics is "Out of sight, out of mind."

They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Why not talk about racism to help make people more aware?

Do people get sick of racism? Sure, I think everyone here is sick of it. But acknowledging racism is bad isn't going to take us anywhere long-term. Meanwhile, trying to address the issue will.
@greenteakitten said in #39:
> @Zurel
> Taking everything in silence is not going to help. It's just going to make people forget about you. One of the biggest things in politics is "Out of sight, out of mind."
> They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Why not talk about racism to help make people more aware?
> Do people get sick of racism? Sure, I think everyone here is sick of it. But acknowledging racism is bad isn't going to take us anywhere long-term. Meanwhile, trying to address the issue will.

I mean. I guess. Personally ion really care abt politics til it pull up at my door step

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