

Thanks, thibault. I appreciate your hard work on this terrific site.

Couple more thoughts. I agree with the Johann above. I would prefer if changes in sounds and appearance were not suddenly imposed but rather offered as a choice. I liked the old sounds, for example, but now they are simply not available. For a time, it seemed Lichess was going to bring them back as an option. Curious why that hasn't happened? And while I understand the new pre-move animations/colors may assist some players, I find them seriously distracting and they are hurting my game. I was completely happy with the way the board looked and moved yesterday before the changes. But now I can't return to that arrangement as an option. Offering changes and possibilities is great--but those who prefer earlier looks/sounds/movements ought to be able to keep them, no?

Thanks again. I enjoy the site.
Trying to play vs the machine while the site is being updated... Fried Fish :p
Thanks much for the sound adjustment. I did already disable the premove destinations. I was actually referring to the new multicolored effects during moves and premoves which apparently can't be disabled. For me, the new look is not helpful; it's really distracting. Makes the chess board seem like a pinball game or a flashing neon sign. My two cents.
Multicolored effects? Not sure what you're talking about. You may want to disable board highlights, too.
I think he might be talking about the soft highlighting of the square on mouse over.
Yes, Clarkey, I have disabled everything you mentioned, but I still get ghosting and multicolored effects. For example, depending on what's happening when I move, I now see purple, two shades of green some gray and perhaps other colors that I'm forgetting. That was not the case yesterday. I also now see two versions of the same piece when I prepare to premove (on its original square and the square to which I will move it). This is all very distracting and was not the case yesterday. Again, I have disabled both options you suggested and all these changes are still in effect. I suppose I will get used to the changes, but I honestly don't see any benefit to them.
Ghosting. You mean, when you click and drag a piece, there's a slightly transparent piece on the origin square that disappears when you drop the piece? Because that's intentional, but I suppose it could be turned into an option.

Uh, screen shots would be super helpful for the rest of the stuff you seem to be describing.
Yes, that is what I mean by ghosting. Seeing two versions of the same piece is confusing (for me) in a bullet game. Seeing the board and pieces as cleanly as possible is key when moving so fast. Two versions of the same piece adds clutter and confusion. Making that into an option would be terrific. As for the rest, there are now new colors on squares (as compared to previously) when I move (purple, greens, greys). And there seem to be more colors than before. I will try to get screenshots for you. Nobody else is noticing a change?

Sorry to go on and on about this. I appreciate your quick replies and efforts.
Hmm.... I think I might know what you're talking about.

The green is for making a turn on your move, the purple/grey (pretty sure they're the same colour you're talking about) is for pre-moves. If they're appearing and you have the "Show board highlights" turned off, it would appear to be a bug.

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