

As you guessed, it now displays the material diff, instead of the captured pieces. It's more compact and useful: you can see in a glance that white is up a knight, but black got two pawns in compensation. This won't be reverted.

I warned the chrome extension developer that this update would break it. Maybe he'll update the extension. I plan on having the replayable moves during the game as a native feature, tho.
Another problem:
When I did pre-move, I could also take another piece for the move after pre-move. But now if I would do pre-move, and then will take a piece for next pre-move, the current pre-move will cancell. It's very bad.)
Love the fact that we can now see cheaters by hovering over their name.

Hate the taking pieces thing. I want to see the pieces I've taken and those my opponent has taken.

Bugs: The sound is intermittent. There are ghost pieces. Problems with pre-moving.

Suggestions: Add choice, don't take away things that people like, leave things be that are working fine. If you DO wish to remove things, why not tell us all first, then you can get an idea of how popular or not it will be. If that had been done with the pools, a lot of time, energy and hassle would have been saved!

Does anyone recall who that clever chap is who was doing bits and pieces outside of 'official' lichess who provided downloads for the disgruntled? Maybe he'd be able and willing to sort out the now rather rubbish piece log.
I'll need a screenshot of said "ghost pieces", and more details about pre-moving issues.
Latest on sound: watching lichess tv, there is a sound for moves by one player but not both. A hard reset gives sound for both players for a single move, and then it reverts.
I haven't taken a screenshot and I'm quite honestly not playing until things are sorted out, so someone else will need to produce one.

Pre-moving: premoves sometimes cancel themselves and sometimes cannot be cancelled.

The sound is intermittent.

Why o why???
What happened to the sound when a piece is captured? There was a unique sound for that and now it appears to be gone. That is an essential sound in a bullet game! Please bring it back.


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