
Lichess v2 is here

So sad... The board is giant , I cant play...I am going to try other sites. Bye bye Lichess...
@Toadofsky Don't you think it would be better if people liked the new design? Surely the point of changing the design was to improve it, not make it worse. It would seem that the vast majority of people prefer the old look.
I seriously much prefered V1, i don't mind change but i cant stand the new look. Even if it fixes a few bugs and makes the website faster which is great, the new designer i personally don't like and would love a V1 option. I personally dislike the 'modern or 'slick' look. I originally joined Lichess over for its simple unexciting design but i now feel Lichess is taking a path to have 'amazing features' 'sleekness' when its just all a gimmick that doesn't need to be there. Also the website with all its highlights on each button, setting etc gives me a slight headache. A lot of text feels out of proportion, can be too small and hard to read. Edit: Google Chrome user. I have also tried the new designer in multiple zooms, doesn't fix any of my issues with the new website.
I hate it, my eyes hurt and it's so bad on a big screen 27 inches, keep my donation but please revert this it's so bad
@chesswannabe39 I agree with what's written in the blog entry: that bringing Lichess to most of the world (including those with mobile devices who cannot afford a computer) is an important goal.
not so bad , but the old version was much better , and i do not see a need to new version , and they deleted a lot og good things like you were able to see your opponent rating and his best and worst rated victories and loses and ........ and also in a tournament you can not see the games from a tournament you have too see it from your profile , i do not see a good reason why to develop the site and deleting a lot of great features
@samiov no v1 functionality was removed, so these may be bugs to be fixed soon IMO.

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