
Crush Philidor with this RARE Gambit!

234 • Bosburp •
  1. What is the Bird Gambit?
  2. Section 1: Black takes c3
  4. 5...cxb2?! with 6...Be6
  1. Bosburp


4 • ehenkes •
  1. Aljechin-Chatard-Angriff
  2. Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit
  3. Blumenfeld-Gambit
  4. Budapester Gambit
  1. ehenkes

TRAPS during opening + exemples of tactical traps/exercises

2 • colt45nine •
  1. Legal trap
  2. Italian Belloni Trap
  3. Fishing Pole Trap AKA Leven Fish Trap
  4. Noah's Ark Trap (Ruy Lopez)
  1. colt45nine

Holy Gambit Grail (Black)

8 • EKAFC •
  2. 1.e4 Miscellaneous (Black)
  3. Alekhine Defense (Black)
  4. Bishop's Opening
  1. Royenroy
  2. EKAFC

Holy Gambit Grail (White)

8 • EKAFC •
  2. 1.e4: Miscellaneous Gambits (White)
  3. Alekhine Defense (White)
  4. Caro-Kann (White)
  1. Royenroy
  2. EKAFC

CRUSH with the Vienna!

1092 • Bosburp •
  1. Intro
  2. Section 1: Vienna Gambit
  3. Vienna Gambit: 4...Qe7? Oh no my queen!
  4. Vienna Gambit: 4...Ng8 epic king hunt!
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Bosburp

French Defense Tarrasch Variation + Sub French lines

3 • colt45nine •
  1. tarrash sum.
  2. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. exd5 #1 by GM Anish Giri
  3. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. exd5 #2 by GM Anish Giri
  4. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. Nxd4 !! by GM Anish Giri
  1. colt45nine

Italian Game Traps!

19 • AdiChamp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Requisite Position
  3. Gambit Accepted
  4. Gambit declined d3.
  1. AdiChamp

Special Study:The Legal's Mate,The Englund Gambit And The Fishing Pole Trap

1 • Ansh4567 •
  1. The Legal's Mate
  2. The Englund Gambit
  3. The Fishing Pole Trap
  1. Poojakanth
  2. Ansh4567

Cochrane Gambit : a Leap of Faith

1 • BicKedag •
  1. Introduction
  2. 5... Be7 - The Common Choice
  3. 5... c5 - The professional's Choice
  4. 5... g6 - The Unorthodox Choice
  1. BicKedag

A New Way of Playing The Blackmar-Diemer

1 • HeyyItsDylan •
  2. SECTION 1 - 3... Nf6
  3. 4... Nc6
  4. 4... e6
  1. Xzy_9111581314
  2. HeyyItsDylan

Crush Sicilian with this RARE Gambit!

1515 • Bosburp •
  1. What is the Porthsmouth Gambit?
  2. Section 1: black plays 4....d5
  3. Punishing 10....Nb8??
  4. Punishing 10....Nd8??
  1. Bosburp

King's Gambit Accepted

1 • MetalOxideSilicon •
  1. introduce
  2. King's Gambit Accepted
  3. King's Gambit Accepted: King's Knight's Gambit
  4. King's Gambit Accepted: Kieseritzky Gambit
  1. MetalOxideSilicon

Introduction to the Duras Gambit and Related Openings

47 • starpolemic •
  1. Introduction
  2. Perfect play - Stockfish's "refutation"
  3. Declined Duras Gambit #1 - the Lisitsin Gambit (2. Nf3)
  4. Declined Duras Gambit #2 - 2. e5
  1. starpolemic

The Latest Trap.

2 • sam__chess •
  1. The Trap.
  1. sam__chess

Italian gambit

6 • Hieron2511 •
  1. e4, e5; Nf3, Nc6; d4
  2. xd4; c3, xc3
  3. xd4; c3, Nf6; e5, Ng4
  4. xd4; c3, Nf6; e5, Ne4
  1. Hieron2511