
Top XXX trophies


Of course. Trophies just because you played are one of the worst things mediocre people has ever invented.

I rather stay trophy-less than having a fake 'you are also special' trophy. Hard work must pay off, not just being there.
i agree, its like a participation certificate, and we all know that those are only good for something if you ever are short on toilet paper.
Maybe to expand on the intermediate idea you could have a separate tournament for people from 1500~1800 elo and hand out silver trophies rather than gold trophies.
Could you please make "King of the Universe" trophy, and assign that to GM Vorapsak?
Because I am so incredible that regular trophies not good enough for me.
But please don't forget to use 1000000000 karats yellow gold encrusted platinum, diamonds, and carved emeralds.

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