
Justice for Ingrid-Vengeance

Replying to @rickrenegade @Solal35
Whenever anyone raises the same question about why Ingrid isn't on the leaderboard, moderators just close the topic and sometimes even temporarily chat ban the players seeking for an answer.
Why are you afraid @lichess @thibault to answer this question
Many players have raised this issue and many will still raise the same question in coming days
For how long will you hide behind that computer screen and keep closing the topics in forum seeking justice for Ingrid

Atleast tell once and for all, what mistake did she make so that she is ineligible to be on the leaderboard even after satisfying all the conditions. If u clearly tell the reason, atleast other players can take caution so as to not make mistake (if any) made my Ingrid

Even if u tell openly on the forum, that Ingrid plays with weak players and that's why she doesn't deserve to be on the leaderboard, we would accept ur response at once

But atleast reply smthng, be transparent as our earlier lichess used to be
@Fritzi_2003 @stubenfisch @wgoto744 @turkishdraughts @svvenos @hipno
All the players mentioned above in my post, we all know that our dear @ingrid-vengeance doesn't know how to play horde strategically and is not the right person to be on the leaderboard, but doesn't she atleast deserve an official answer from @thibault for removal of her post and trophies.
However she has gained rating, she has not cheated or manipulated her rating artificially and has earned it by staying within the rules and conditions of @lichess

So maybe it is time to either modify the rules and conditions or placing Ingrid back on leaderboard with a warning
#Justice for Ingrid
Plzz dont close this topic
How many such posts will u keep closing and till when. Every day or the other somebody is going to ask this question
Let's take everyone's poll on this topic:
Shouldn't Ingrid atleast get a reply from the mods for their such actions?
Dear Admins of

We, Horde Players, would like to know why this player @Ingrid-Vengeance was unfairly banned from horde leaderboard.
Out of respect for the members of this community, please provide your answer regarding to this issue.

#Justice for Ingrid
People can get kicked off the leaderboards for abusing the system, for example, farming points playing against bots and newbies. That's the best case. Worst case, we may consider this to be a form of boosting and will mark account as such.

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