
How To Be A Man In Chess

Thanks for this amazing post. As a gay man who plays chess, I only do so online now. The culture at my local tournaments and clubs made me very uncomfortable because many of the people of influence were older men who had certain ideas of what being a man was. That didn’t include being gay and expressive.
Good one, again. And not asking rhetorical questions, and making only valorous wishes.
The exercise of trying to put oneself in others shoes, is good practice. However easy or not, I am sure it can help discuss things constructively.

Otherwise we revert to at a glance reactive behavior (feelings or action). group behavior. projection of group cohesion versus group acceptance potential. Has it been studied. And not just on one type of typisation of group features.. but low level psychological reflexes that are possibly acting faster that worded thoughts, or that worded thoughts will drift toward rationalizing when no time to ponder, or so perceived. I think you are kind of pointing in that direction. We may all want the same thing in theory, or in beliefs of what should be, but when in real physical situation, it is possible that our social animals get to pull our strings faster than we can act according to our full conscious will.

How much are we really in charge of our feelings and reactions, in real time? Stimulating and good anecdotal introduction, as often. Group belonging and self-image of group belonging, and projection of others group belonging. It seems a mess to understand, and we should go beyond easy attributions of intents. well that got non-chess fast. So chess is not just chess.
Should change the subtitle of Lichess to "Welcome to Wokeistan" to keep the self-titled "alpha males" out.
From what I read in the comments I really hope they get help/do therapy at some point in their life.
Dude, the only way to be a man is to be born as a man. Keep it simple.
A lot of angry people in this thread. Using stuff like "beta males", "wokeism", etc. because they got triggered by an article with the key message "dont be an asshole, ok?"
"A lot of angry people in this thread. Using stuff like "beta males", "wokeism", etc. because they got triggered by an article with the key message "dont be an asshole, ok?""

Expected reaction. Would it be same if this unsolicited "advice" was directed at other groups of people (Jews, women...)? That probably wouldn't be very brave and virtue-signaling.
So nothing triggering, just the entitlement to say "dont be assholes" to woke manginas.
"Should change the subtitle of Lichess to "Welcome to Wokeistan" to keep the self-titled "alpha males" out.
From what I read in the comments I really hope they get help/do therapy at some point in their life."

Sure, their "toxic masculinity" could affect the games.
Hope the same about people who cant think without ideology and live without patronizing others.
I'm here to play chess that I play for fun. Don't care about my opponents sex, gender, nationality, age or anything else. Why should I treat women better than men? There are no men or women at all, just people. You are trying to get out of one pattern of masculinity and you don't see that you are creating another one. Don't tell me what should I do in my life. Don't tell me "how to be a men" - I am men without your advices and don't need them. Not every people must be an activist. I'm not responsible for other men's bad behaviour just because I'm a man too. So stop blaming me for things did by people I even don't know. Just play chess. Peace.
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... not. Utter rubbish.

Sorry to see turning into something other than simply a nice place to play chess. Suggest sticking to chess and staying away from "social engineering."