
How To Be A Man In Chess

"Are you gonna stop saying/implying/thinking that straight men should be strong and stoic?"

No, straight men certainly should be weak and hysterical.
@ImaNubcake said in #12:
> Incorrect. When I say, "Take action against (sexual) abuse, sexism, etc" I mean WHEN IT TAKES PLACE AND IS VERIFIABLE. You said, "He did take action by writing his article". That's your opinion that "taking action" is writing an article. I don't believe that is taking real action. We all have our opinions.
> "As for whether chess has a problem, yes it surely does" - Yes, chess may have a problem, but it affects 1% or less of chess players so it's a SMALL problem, as I said. That's the difference between our statements. Your statement leads people to believe that 5% or more of people experience some sexism, sexual abuse, etc, in chess. Again, the sexual abuse issues in chess affect 1% or less of players, so when it happens, report it and let the organization do an investigation. The solution is quite simple, logical, and stoic.

Do you have a source for your figure of 1% or less? I'd love to see it because I don't think we have figures for this particular problem. Also, I'm not sure if you are missing the point but these abuses were reported at the time to the chess organisations and apparently, they did exactly nothing about it. Also, did you mean less then 1% of all players? Or less than 1% of female players?

Also, as you well know "verifiable" sexual abuse where there are no witnesses other than the alleged perpetrator and victim, is setting the bar so high that nothing would ever be done, even if multiple people came forward to report abuse from the same person.
@TheOnoZone is one of those partly advertising blog that have very original and non-derived content. It could defend its own even in a multi-participatory forum. The blog being artfully written starter "salvo". It would not need the lichess editorial council 3 headed TV promontory. It might be also that I would agree with lichess putting it up in its slightly rotating 3 tiles vitrine.