
If you criticise Israel...

@sdkman said in #42:
> So you think claiming back ones land is anto Semitic? If a jew steals from me something and ask him to return it back isn't anti Semitic?

I never said that either - but if you're the people whose land is going to be lost, and at that point you've lived there for 3+ generations, you're going to fight for it... I mean what do you think they're all going to move to America or something? lol - I understand both sides will to fight.

Best case scenario is a mutually agreeable one or two state solution, that see's both sides respected equally

Worst case scenario is one side taking total control, and a lot of Hamas rhetoric and others could easily be construed as wanting total control ( just as the Israeli govt).. hence why fighting is supported by both sides...

To make true progress, what happened in the past has to be both accepted and worked from - not denied and clung to. And at this point, the children of the children of the people who decided to move there are not guilty of their ancestors sins.. And it is the only home they've known.

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