
Depression chat

I need help with my depression its kinda getting out of hand and I have no one to talk to :(
You should see a therapist or a counselor if you’re having trouble with depression.

If you’re just looking to interact with friends, you could always do a movie night, a time-honored tradition among America’s (and presumably, the world’s) youth.
@clousems said in #2:
> You should see a therapist or a counselor if you’re having trouble with depression.
> If you’re just looking to interact with friends, you could always do a movie night, a time-honored tradition among America’s (and presumably, the world’s) youth.
I can't really see a therapist because my parents think I am pretending. and I'm not sure if my friends will actually believe me because I hid it
That sounds like a tough situation. Perhaps you could go to a guidance counselor at school?
Whatever is the cause of the depression, stop thinking about it.
If it is related to something you have to do but can't be done, think that it's okay, because every cloud has a silver lining.
Always remember that every cloud has a silver lining.
I can't speak to this organization specifically, but they offer free support via text or facebook (US, CA, UK, and IE - if you live in a different country, let me know publicly or privately and I'll see if I can find a different counseling service if you're unable to).
@clousems said in #5:
> That sounds like a tough situation. Perhaps you could go to a guidance counselor at school?
I'm home schooled
I've found that being active helps a lot.Exercise is a great way to fight depression.Get out and do something.Sitting around being depressed only leads to more depression.You are on the right path by talking about your depression,you can't just keep things bottled up.Good luck,best wishes.
@flowergirl10fl said in #1:
> I need help with my depression its kinda getting out of hand and I have no one to talk to :(

In my country there is phone numbers to make anonymous calls to volunteers to talk to about these kind of problems. Maybe in your area that is also available ? And I can imagine there is forums on the Internet to talk with other people.
And if you have good friends with whom you have a good trust understanding, you should be able to talk with them about these kind of things. (And I must say that now the cold and dark Winter is approaching I take a little bit of anti depressive myself daily, a herbal one, available in some shops)

I've pressed the follow button on your profile if that makes you feel better.

Best of luck !

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