
Who to contact if I have any ideas?

#13 "asshole style" haha :)

SelfMateMan Can't you apply for programmer yourself to help them?
One good thing that comes out of these whiny "none of the programmers who are doing the hard work to provide me a FREE service are listening to me" type threads is that it reminds me to renew my donation.

Remember to try to put the following in perspective:
1. Lichess is AWESOME
2. Lichess is FREE
3. Companies that provide services that you PAY a lot of money for often have terrible customer service.
@Oblio19 if you ask someone on the street where you can find a police station and the dude completely ignores you, you will also think, 'that dude is unfriendly'. As if giving a simple feedback is connected to getting paid these days ...

However, the issue has been solved for me as i didnt understand the way IRC works. i apologized and that is ok now. You are a prick for attacking someone after he apologized. Watch Pulp Fiction, the scene where they wash the car. And if you still dont want to forgive, f... you :->
Also, i was not expecting anything from anyone, except an 'ok' to simply see, my software is not broken.
finally, notice that i often say 'thank you' and other friendly things to the devs of lichess. Please scroll through my forum history.
If you were offended I apologize unequivocally.

I was trying to make a general comment about the dynamic of people who's contributions to a group project are limited to making suggestions tendency to moralize about the behavior of the people actually doing the work.

Maybe you feel that the comment is wrong, unfair, or doesn't apply to you. Perhaps you are right. Maybe you feel I'm just a prick piling on. You could be right. Either way, I apologize.

Nice movie reference.
Oh, i see, you are a friendly person. I also apologize if i was rude. Peace.
I can not use the search before you ask a question. The problem is that I do not know the English language and this Google translation. All I can do is say your idea Google translator, then he translated it into English and then speak at the forum. That's the problem.
And when no one on it does not respond, it is not clear. It went into the void? What's going on with this?
Just understand. Not everyone knows the English language in sufficient volume to use the search engine.
Generally on internet chat sites like Facebook and other sites it seems people can be logged in without being at their computer so it's not like meeting someone live face-to-face and ask a question and that person ignores you.

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