
Everything you want to know about Lichess v2

OK thanks @littlehorse that's definitely a bug! I'll get it fixed. In the meantime, see if you can get a better iphone experience by installing the chrome browser on it?
I strongly dislike the new interface. Like many others, my main complaint is that things are too large now. The homepage appears cluttered, the forum posts take up too much of the screen when I'm in the forum, and I don't find the site usable unless I zoom my browser out to 80%. Even then, it still looks significantly worse than v1 did.

From the FAQ: "Lichess v2 is bigger than v1 used to be on large monitors - and this is the intention! Lichess v2 uses standard font sizes, where v1 had really tiny fonts. Use the handle on the bottom-right of the board to resize the board to your favourite dimensions." the hell does that address the font size complaint? "The fonts are too big, so here's a way to make the board smaller?" I don't want to resize the board, I want to resize the fonts. It it possible to give users the option to voluntarily change the font size in our settings?

BUG: the move notation is not visible to the right of the board unless I zoom out my window to 80%. I assume that's because the clocks + the piece banks combined take up too much space.

Strawpoll on whether the new sizing is better or worse. Please make your voices heard, everyone.
From a perfect website you made a terrible version of I didn’t like because Lichess was great. Primarily because there was a normal sized chessboard. Now I have a desire to go out to or to Russian chessplanet
I think it's cool. You should give it a chance. Though it seems like it spends more energy when I check activity monitor (energy impact of firefox becomes +100). However I am not quite sure maybe it's due to my browser.

browser: firefox 67.
device: macbook pro 2015.
V2 has come out on my pc but not phone and there is no update option on my phone
Resize isnt woking! Make it back! so many users cant playing, so the changes isnt good! im ready to go to chesscom or smthing else anyway! im very upset!

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