
Search "user:Avaneeshprem"

130 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - what is the fastest way to get out of the lichess database?#10

1. a3 h6 2. Ra2 Nc6

General Chess Discussion - what is the fastest way to get out of the lichess database?#9

@Bubeliang said in #2: > i got in two moves now 1.sa3 h6 2.f3 c5 There are games in those moves

General Chess Discussion - How to Install Chessbase 16 or 17 in a Chromebook#6

@JuicyChickenNO1 said in #5: > I've never touched a Chromebook, but I know the OS it's a customized GNU/Linux distro. An attempt would be to install Windows inside a virtual machine, but I believe Chr…

General Chess Discussion - How to Install Chessbase 16 or 17 in a Chromebook#3

@petri999 said in #2: > Full chess base is windows program and chromebook is a some sort of Linux variant. You cannot install windows programs on it. So it is not possible to install Chessbase 16/17 o…

General Chess Discussion - How to Install Chessbase 16 or 17 in a Chromebook#1

I don't know, how to install Chessbase 16/17 in my chromebook. In the play store (app store), the Chessbase app is not the actual Chessbase 16/17. Please help.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month March - Contest#50

General Chess Discussion - How To Prevent Draws?#14

@Volker-Racho said in #7: > A common way to avoid deadly equal positions is to avoid symmetric pawn structures. Basically that explains the popularity of openings like the Sicilian or Wolga Gambit. Bu…

General Chess Discussion - How To Prevent Draws?#13

@Volker-Racho said in #7: > A common way to avoid deadly equal positions is to avoid symmetric pawn structures. Basically that explains the popularity of openings like the Sicilian or Wolga Gambit. Bu…

General Chess Discussion - How To Prevent Draws?#4

@Gravija said in #2: > Attack them aggressively, then checkmate them. > Use the secret move (en passant), if you need it. But they play solid and when I attack, they just counter-attack and defend.

General Chess Discussion - How To Prevent Draws?#1

When I play over the board chess, with lower rated opponents, the games end in a draw. Which reduces my rating. All the lower rated opponents that I play, play for a draw. They play solid and not risk…
