
Search "user:ArtNJ"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lovely puzzle from my game#4

Yes, that was pretty hard for me. For me the way I solved it was to realize what square you need to close off, and then realize it can't be done via conventional means. But I dont spot this if not tol…

Game analysis - Why white plays b3 and a4?#2

Well, its not like bb7 is a remotely good spot for the bishop unless white exchanges pawns, is it? White doesn't get much if any advantage out of b3, but its not like the other candidate moves (nf1, a…

Game analysis - Is this a good idea?#2

16. ... g6 was the problem. Something like qb6 looks fine. If the pawn gets to h6, only then g6; after the bishop sacs on g6, the black rook will go to g8 and together with the bishop cover all the sq…

General Chess Discussion - What to do when you plateau?#3

I looked at your last game vs Haagsebluf, and saw clear positional errors that need to be addressed before you can go much higher than the mid-1600s. In particular, you went to the trouble of fianchet…

Game analysis - why#2

Lichess gives more time if your opponent has lag. No one with lag should be playing bullet, and there is a good argument that no one playing bullet should get more time for lag, but it is what it is.

General Chess Discussion - Sick to death of being paired with 1500?#36

This is an even bigger problem in fisher random because a much higher % is trying it for the first time and they could be of any strength. I usually play them, but there is no real consequence for not…

General Chess Discussion - Why is it that Im way better at classic chess then at rapid ?#8

Nope! I think the explanation is simpler. Fewer players at each increment of longer time control here and everywhere on the internet basically. So its totally normal for ratings to be higher at longer…

Lichess Feedback - Did They Eliminate The Take back Request Option? #1

Or am I blind??? I've granted and gotten take backs in the past.

Lichess Feedback - I can't create a rated 960 correspondence game for some reason?#6

Well. That is an observation, not a reason. I can't think of any logical reason not to allow it. Maybe it is just a tad of extra work that they haven't gotten around too? Or maybe they dont think ther…

Lichess Feedback - I can't create a rated 960 correspondence game for some reason?#4

Time control doesn't matter, tried 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, I just cant make a rated correspondence game. If the reason is cheating, I think that is whacky. I see people with rated standard chess corres…