
Search "user:dogeatdog"

48 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - En passant bug#1

I just ate a pawn en passant and it stayed on the board. It only disappeared once I refreshed the page.

Lichess Feedback - Premove takes time#15

The time taken from clock should be from the time opponent piece has moved to your move. The network lag/animations etc should not be taken from the clock.

General Chess Discussion - Statistics on ragequit per country#3

There are in the logs "Black left the game, White is victorious". Just count those games / games played.

Lichess Feedback - To make lichess a chess social network#3

Very nice idea.

General Chess Discussion - Statistics on ragequit per country#1

It would be nice to see statistics of ragequit per country. Is it just me or do french ragequit more than others? :--)

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#70

This derailed quickly. Both US and Russia are oligarchies. Neither want peace.

General Chess Discussion - How awesome is chess?#31

Chess is like making love to a beautiful woman.

Lichess Feedback - Drag and drop#6

It happens to me on 2 different osx machines. Probably a browser bug, but maybe there is something in lichess that triggers the bug.

Lichess Feedback - Drag and drop#4

For me with Chrome.

Lichess Feedback - Drag and drop#1

Sometimes when I am dragging a piece the browser freezes for a second and the piece is dropped even if im still holding down the mouse. Maybe a browser bug?
