
Lichess seems much slower now

I have been a lichess user almost since it started operating. Atleast for 3 years...

Last time I used Lichess was 6 months ago and it was still working great, really fast and the system loaded my moves without any type of delay.

I just came back to using the site and im experiencing a slight delay with my moves, Im still using the same computer and the same internet connection i used in the past. But no matter what i do, the games do seem laggier and slower.

* I play 1+0 and 0+1 games so while other users may not notice this slight delay which was inexistant in the past, I do.
i agree with you rick there may be some problem but they do not believe us
I was playing 3 years ago myself. Nice to see some super-oldfags from PHP Lichess still around.

Fact is, I've seen a reduction of over 30 milliseconds in ping over the years. And it keeps getting better and better.

If you think there really is a problem, then give a more meaningful bug report. I suggest you read this essay by ESR on how to hold constructive discourse with developers regarding software problems:
It doesn't matter what bug report you give. There's no way thibault is giving up his websockets API implementation.

It's a shame that the shitty PHP had to have actually been more stable than the newer, better one we're using currently. Yes, I get these sorts of laggy problems, too. I'm positive it's related to the choice of websocket API.
So why would they change something that worked perfectly?
Whoa, small world, just to think that you, rick, were the first person I ever played a rated game against.

I'm not sure what you yourself could do to fix this. You can see from the lichess monitor that the internal lag of the site rarely goes above 1ms, so it's probably not a server-side issue:

Couple of questions though: -what is your geographic region and latency to lichess? Distance from the server is the most frequent cause for a high ping.

-Secondly, what are your local (LAN) and WAN (cable, adsl, fibre) conditions like? It's less likely, but network hardware can degrade. Also, if you have a lot of machines on your local network, your connection speed to lichess may be affected.
> So why would they change something that worked perfectly?

Because experimentation and elegant programming are more important to him (and probably most coders, not just him) than what corresponds to the positive but simple feedback of a mass of end users who won't help him develop Lichess.

It just *sounded* interesting, so he went for websockets.
Even if it's worse than before! Even if he'll admit it, he's not giving this shit up.

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