
Game quit when nothing happen

I've receive a game lost after 9 moves. The message is that I quit the game. The problem is that I never leave the tab of the game and just receive the game lost.

Here is the link to the game :

Thx for your work !
If you didn't deliberately (rage) quit the game without resigning then it means you lost your connection. If you don't reconnect in time ( I believe it's around 40-60 secs) lichess will award the game to your opponent.

To see if you are connected to the game check the small circle on the left of your username, if it is green everything's fine, if you don't see it green, that is it is black, then you are offline and need to refresh the page or restart your connection.

A little advice, refresh the page everytime your opponent seems to be having a long think, especially when you think their next move is forced or somewhat easy to find. You don't wanna lose a winning game just because your connection died and you didn't realize.
So I didn't quit or disconnect from the game, all happen within 27s + 14s = 41s, as indicated in the game timers.
My opponent play Nf8 and I was about to make a move when the game lost happen instantely.

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