
If time is over but win is unachievable, is it a win or draw?


I was sure that even with time ran out, the King and Knight against the King is a draw by lichess rules.
I am wrong or something has changed?

Why the is win for black while they don't have enough material for win?
I am sure earlier such endings was treated as draw, wasn't they?
Put your white King on H8, his King on F8.
Your Pawn on h6 und his Knight on G5.
Your move
You have to play h7 (only move) and he mates with Nf7.
So basically you lost because you had that pawn left. Kinda silly but rules are rules. Google Carlsen vs Firouzja (too lazy to google correct spelling if I'm off). Carlsen pretty much won in a similar situation.
I think it's still possible for you to play some *really* bad moves and manage to get yourself stuck behind your own pawn and checkmated. Since that means a win is still possible, your flag counts as a win for black.
[FEN "8/8/4K3/8/7k/6nP/8/8 w - - 2 74"]

74. Ke5 Kg5 75. h4+ Kg6 76. h5+ Kg7 77. h6+ Kg8
78. h7+ Kg7 79. h8=B+ Kg6 80. Kf4 Kh5 81. Kf3 Kh4
82. Kg2 Ne4 83. Kh1 Kg3 84. Bd4 Kh3 85. Bg1 Ng3#

Here's how mate is possible
"I was sure that even with time ran out, the King and Knight against the King is a draw by lichess rules."

I am pretty sure that it is mate in 7.

3 moves for the King reaching the corner, 4 pawn moves for closing the coffin. Meanwhile Black Kf7/f8 and a Knight mate on f7/g6.
Thank you all, I missed the idea that this can be done "artificially". It helps.

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