
There should be a filter in chats

There really should be a filter in chats because sometimes you will come across the occasional opponent that has a dirty mouth.
To be honest, I have to disagree. This is one of the only sites of its kind, i.e. a no chat filter, and while sometimes it's excessive, it's nice being able to express myself to my full verbal extent.
I think it would be better to simply be able to report abusive players. A few curse words here and there isn't that terrible in my opinion, but when you get people who are just plain insulting you, that's just bad maners.
You can disable chat while playing games. Click on the tick mark just on the right of the word "chat room". Now, you will not see what your opponent writes in the chat room.
When I get trolled I just turn off chat. Good recommendation saksham.

There are other problems with filters though. I have seen at least 4 different alphabets being used on this website. Would you filter out "naughty" English words, but then leave Arabic and Russian ones, and presume since English speakers can't read them they're ok? An option to then filter out all non English speakers?

I think the idea of a chat filter is therefore bad all around. Part of the appeal this site has for me is that it has many international players who enjoy chatting away all day while they play, which may be in part because of the unfiltered chat. Just thought I'd mention that mchelken, food for thought. :)

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