
Does this work?

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Both ...e6 and ...g6 weaken squares. It is like to play 1.b3 and 2.d3 or 1.g3 and 2.e3,also you understand it is not the best setup(it looks like hyppo).With ...Nf6 you play either ...g6 or ...e6,to play both these moves is not a good idea on my opinion.
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In a normal QGD, you would never think of playing g6, yet this is the resulting position. Just like some variations of the English (g3 and e3), KID (c6, d6, and e5), and many other acceptable variation which accept a pawn weakness for activity, this is good enough to maintain the current balance, but isn't ambitious.
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How do you reply to 5.Bg5 continuing the 4.Nc3 line?

I see 3 options:
1) Be7
Seems to be the most reasonable move against the pin. But now I continue with 6.e3 and continue playing a "normal" game, with the only difference that you wasted a move to play g6. I take white in that position any day.

2) Bg7 (why else play g6?)
Runs into e4 which you wanted to prevent

3) dxc4
Also runs into e4.
There's no immediate refutation, but e6 and g6 are contradictive. e6 is useful when moving the bishop to the f8-a3 diagonal, g6 aims for g7-a1. After g6 you practically need ot the bishohp to g7, but what is e6 good for then?!
It's playable and not a bad move, but I think it's not the best move to play in this position. It weakens the dark squares without having a clear objective. But white didn't fight for e4 immediately, so this gives black more choices now.

From an opening I want to get an idea how to get a full development for my pieces. A problem is here the light squared bishop. E6 closed the c8-h3 diagonal, so either play for e5, or do a fianchetto b6, Bb7. But then you could just stick to the Queen's Indian Defence with 3... b6 or Queen's Gambit Declined with 3... d5 which do exactly that. The dark squared bishop already has a natural field on e7, I see no point to fianchetto this bishop. I didn't see in your lines how this bishop gets a powerful role like in the Grunfeld which would justify to invest the tempo with g6. Also, on e7, it breaks the pin if Bg5 is played by white.

So I am not convinced and will continue to play the Queen's Indian Defence. Equally good is 3...d5, I think.
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