
Who's cheering for who in MLB?

@NeatPinkWave said in #6:
> oh, I love mlb. Its my fave show. I like ladybug and chatnoir. I ship them.
They talking bout Baseball and u come here with a tht...i cannot stop laughing
@DERG_CHESS said in #12:
> They talking bout Basketball and u come here with a tht...i cannot stop laughing
LOL they are talking about BASEBALL and u come here with a tht...i cannot stop laughing
@RJblue said in #14:
> LOL they are talking about BASEBALL and u come here with a tht...i cannot stop laughing
Oop autocorrect lol
@ALucasM said in #9:
> Landon, the next time you see Robert, he's going to have a BIG complaint about this to you, because he is a Red Sox fan. and i was about to ask how a southerner could be a Yankees fan, but i'm a Toronto Blue Jays fan, so i shouldn't be talking.....
@RJblue I cheer for the Yankees because part of my family likes them. I don’t watch much MLB. I don’t even know who there pitcher is. I was told he is good. I don’t know anyone’s name in the MLB. I just like watching baseball. Also, Boston and New York are both in the New England area. Robert, didn’t the Red Sox lose to Braves(my brother’s team) in the World Series? About a southerner liking Northern teams I like the Celtics in the NBA.
@LandonLagg said in #18:
> @RJblue I cheer for the Yankees because part of my family likes them. I don’t watch much MLB. I don’t even know who there pitcher is. I was told he is good. I don’t know anyone’s name in the MLB. I just like watching baseball. Also, Boston and New York are both in the New England area. Robert, didn’t the Red Sox lose to Braves(my brother’s team) in the World Series? About a southerner liking Northern teams I like the Celtics in the NBA.
no. i don't think so. for the Yankees, you either love'em, or you hate'em. the braves won the world series last year i think. p.s. all baseball teams have multiple pitchers on them.

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