
Rep vs QPG

@Akbar2thegreat said in #12:
> @ChessMathNerd
> For sharp ones, go for Benoni Defense (c5).

But then he goes 3. d5 and black's main move is b5 Benko gambit which is not good for black. White just takes the pawn 4. cxb5 and basically goes for the win. In fact I am thinking of changing to other opening because the pawn sacrifice in Benko is harmless unlike Evans or Smith Morra gambits where you get sharp positions quickly.
@pointlesswindows said in #13:
> But then he goes 3. d5 and black's main move is b5 Benko gambit which is not good for black. White just takes the pawn 4. cxb5 and basically goes for the win. In fact I am thinking of changing to other opening because the pawn sacrifice in Benko is harmless unlike Evans or Smith Morra gambits where you get sharp positions quickly.

The Benko can be annoying to play against. Black doesn’t get a crushing attack, but he gets this seemingly never ending initiative on the Queen’s side.
I am not talking about Benko, I am just talking about playing c5 as response to d4. I prefer that way and I don't play any known opening with c5.
I think GM Larry Kaufman does a good MODERN look at Chess Openings & looking at a Rep ... but also explaining other Ideas with the help of Computer Analysis . You have done well & mix up playing e4 & d4 & your rating is ok for not having done this work @ChessMathNerd You can mix playing some of his ideas / computer ideas & your own independant look later ... I have the first book by him The Chess Advantage in Black & White but there are newer ones as well

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