
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
Abandoning games5
by nadjarostowa
Is it Lichess, or me and my connection and Laptop ?12
by for_cryingout_loud
Statistics on cheating1
by bufferunderrun
Arena tournament chat room1
by FinishMySentence
Deleting messages1
by Risky-Chess
White bishops1
by Peter-developer01
Hello, friends?2
by Peter-developer01
The Blue Arrow for the Best Move Stopped Showing in the Game Analysis2
by harmelessfrog
Suggestion to change a translation (mate puzzle)3
by errdee
Analysis is freezing on Android tablet1
by schlawg
I can't see the pieces I captured2
by Brian-E
Lichess TV Embed Chrome Error3
by simonjepps
I think the flipping board button should be on the main screen.2
by Sergio_R_Pozuelo
how do I avoid writing in study1
by mkubecek
Lichess doesn't allow correspondence variant rated games4
by UjaalaHussain