
I invite you to play me corespondence chess with computer assistance.

I'd like to play correspondence chess (classic variant). If you are interested just tell me.
For anyone responding, I'd like to highlight that such games must be played unrated only. With that out of the way, go right ahead. :)
Yes, it must be casual between two consenting players, based on our terms of service.
Oooh, with computer assistance?
Sure, I'll play xD. [Casual; preferably not 14 days/move]
I'll play! Though, I don't even *have* a reliable chess engine. I'll try to build stockfish just for this. :P
#6, if you have a Mac, you can download Stockfish (it's full - with a UI and everything). If you have iOS, you can also download it from the app store.

Maybe its a good idea to create separate "correspondence chess" with computers allowed?
Chess_Agent: I have an Android, and my computer is an Ubuntu. Which is why I can't use the prepackaged builds.

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