
Search "user:alaskalinuxuser"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Low elo resignation etiquette#28

@MuaddibX said in #1: > Hi, I'm going to be playing in my first over the board tournament in a week. I've only ever played online. I'm expecting to get thrashed by my opponents and was wondering what …

General Chess Discussion - Be candid about your chess books.#25

@LDog11 said in #23: > @alaskalinuxuser I've got that book by Horowitz, and I think I have read it (parts of it over and over) I've had it so long. He's got this funny nomenclature he uses. When he's …

General Chess Discussion - Be candid about your chess books.#22

@Noflaps said in #1: > By "finished" I carefully mean: read every single word AND actually played through, thoughtfully, every included game. Every. Game. > If you have actually "finished" a chess boo…

Game analysis - Middlegame Mayhem, why I keep loosing?#9

@ChessPlayer2705 said in #8: > I would say that the rook sac was not needed. Don't sac because it looks good unless you calculate the lines and it is forced mate or you win back material. Really good …

Game analysis - Middlegame Mayhem, why I keep loosing?#7

@MrPushwood said in #6: > Were you greatly winning in there? Didn't look like it to me. Good question, I am certainly no expert, I only based that on lichess computer analysis which said +5.6 in my fa…

Game analysis - Middlegame Mayhem, why I keep loosing?#5

@Tremarl said in #4: > Tl;DR > You play like you want to lose or get a draw. > You don't play aggressive at all. > You make a poor tradeoff as soon as you feel pressured. The Bishop for Rook trade doe…

Game analysis - Middlegame Mayhem, why I keep loosing?#3

@ShaneTrain said in #2: > "I keep losing in X situation" is purely mental. Chess is about playing the best moves. > > Sometimes if you're playing a long game, the mind can wander. You have time to sta…

Game analysis - Middlegame Mayhem, why I keep loosing?#1

So, a request for help. I seem to be stuck. I keep loosing games and the story usually looks like this game: Essentially, in most of these games, an after game analysi…

General Chess Discussion - How do you improve rapidly in bullet since i am only like 1200?#9

I'm certainly not an expert, as my ratings show. But in my opinion and experience, I make the most rapid gains in bullet by playing more slow time controls like rapid or classical. Bullet seems to me …

General Chess Discussion - Regarding the Engine plays..#12

I have heard many people use the argument: "My opponent was cheating, so I have to cheat to keep my score." This is a flawed argument. #1. If you cheat, you have cheated, regardless of the reason. #2.…
