
Search "user:Seallv"

82 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Achieve Your Chess Goals Using Warren Buffett’s 5/25 Rule#12

Thank you for the Article! Its an interesting read. Especially i liked the part where he said: "Mike! You got it all wrong!" I am used to more subtle thinking process. But i guess in money world its i…

Lichess Feedback - Display error? nbPlayer instead of number of current games?#5

Some are fixed, some are not. But about 80% of dates and times work now. Thanks!

Lichess Feedback - Bug with dates and times.#3

You have that too? I thought i might be the only one at first. Why some people have it some dont? Does it have to do with language settings i wonder?

Lichess Feedback - Display error? nbPlayer instead of number of current games?#3

same with me, i also created a post yesterday about it. Nobody from lichess team has responded yet. I see all dates, times and sometimes players with nbDate, nbHours ect...

Lichess Feedback - Bug with dates and times.#1

For last few days i dont see dates and times. It used to say - "this game was played 3 days ago". Now it says "this game was played nbdays ago." Same with forum posts, inbox messages. Message was sent…

Community Blog Discussions - The Engine Is An Oracle#11

@ramhare said in #9: > Here, actually, had I spent 10 seconds on the position, I would have seen it was unlikely to be white. Sorry. I was looking for a "black to move" instruction, though. Did you so…

Community Blog Discussions - The Engine Is An Oracle#7

@Tamerlan_Geegun said in #5: > So essentially, what I'm saying is that we humans should be modest about our skills and do not pretend to be able to play like engines. And as such, we have our own guid…

Community Blog Discussions - The Engine Is An Oracle#2

I rarely read articles on lichess, but somehow this one cought my eye. Its very well written mister unknown Fide master. It also was a pleasure reading it. However i do wanna oppose you. I solved the …

Game analysis - My opponent fell for the Scholar's Mate??#8

Its 3 minute chess. Once every 200-300 games my opponents also get checkmated right on move 4 and im playing 2100 blitz rating level. My usual rating is 2050-2150. At 1600 level if you regularily play…

Game analysis - If this was guess the elo, what would you say my elo is? Any tips on improving?#18

Youre welcome, but reading books about strategy and pawn structures looks like you could use the most. Its not just about which side of the board to play on. Thats very basics of pawn structures. Ther…
