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6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Ill-posed problems.#13

Here, again. Task 48566. The second course I play Rdf3. It turns out wrong. Although I have already checked: Rdf3 - 7.69 at a depth of 30 moves. Rxf6 - 6.71 at the same depth.

General Chess Discussion - Ill-posed problems.#7

For awesomer. I like the color on the board lichess))

General Chess Discussion - Ill-posed problems.#6

For Hellball. The task does not require 16,000 check engine solutions. All three of these are identical stroke. You can check the engine - I do not mind.

General Chess Discussion - Ill-posed problems.#3

I beg your pardon: the task №25294 I was wrong

General Chess Discussion - Ill-posed problems.#2

And here's another problem: 25294. The solution that the system considers true mate in three moves. I put the mat in the same three moves the other way, but the system does not see it, he says that th…

General Chess Discussion - Ill-posed problems.#1

Friends, not for the first time in solving the problems faced with the fact that they are drawing up incorrectly. Since this can be tolerated, and I even used to. But the task №16000 - it is beyond my…
