
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

Alright guys, I'm proud to announce our new chess E-board! It comes with pieces that move themselves without you having to touch them, and has voice commands. It also levitates, so you don't need to have a table to play some chess! It can connect to tons of chess websites, without their permission! To make this work, we used nanocybertechnology to make a new connection on a new server to connect to the lichess database as a user! This also works for other chess websites too! To make it levitate, we used strings- *cough*, I mean anti-gravitational quarks to make a space that neutralizes its own gravity, and ignores the effect of other gravities as shown in the video!
(disclaimer: product may be a scam; ceo is not affiliated with the manufacturer or company of the product in any way)
This is incredible, I can't believe they thought they would get away with this obvious scam. If this was legitimate it wouldn't be hard to get prominent names in the community to vouch for this product. Instead in their video we have some random people nobody has ever heard of that don't show up on FIDE rankings and the so-called creator is clearly a fraud.

The creator is also the CEO of this "company": which I'm sure is completely legitimate and not trying to scam anyone. If you go to their shop (what consulting firm actually has a shop) there isn't any information on their services even if you click more information. I really hope this scam is shut down before people lose their money on this bullshit.
@WildTiger If I had to guess I would guess over a million dollars would be required for a prototype and lots of time. You can't use kickstarter to raise the money because kickstarter requires a working prototype.

I think this sort of thing would more likely come from a phd thesis or a gifted scientist/engineer with a full time job and working on it in their spare time as a hobby project.
Regarding the high solenoids in Czech University video - magnetic strength the field in the axis diminishes inversely proportional to the third power - in the ranges of over a coil-diameter away from the coil !
So if you change the distance twice from 10mm to 20 mm it weakens around 8 times - in the range of over a diameter away from the coil - but in the close range around 2-4 mm from a 10 mm coil the magnetic force doesnt change that much - its valid for a coil without a core inside!

The 1 dollar electromagnetic keylock coil that i found is capable of keeping 3KG attached weight - but only if it touches steel to steel / chick to chick - these keylock magnets have a core - the induction mechanism takes place there and the force diminishes quicker than inversely to the third power but i didn't find the source for that :)

@Jacob531 please don't @ thibault. He has all of Lichess following him, if we all started to ping him for wahtever reason it would turn his feed into sodom and gomorrah.
Guys the board idea is great...the problem is deception, hire a real legitimate otherwise you are appearing like a total scammer. I have no doubt this board could be created, problem is it most likely hasn't been and that’s huge deception.
Anyone can look at the Square Off board and "improve" it by saying that the pieces should move faster and smoother. That's not an idea.
@DrShigeakiHinohara and others

We would need a kind of reverse kickstarter.

"Huge community of chess players is prepared to throw money at a working, honest, elegant, fast automatic chess board that is operated by electromagnets, without moving parts, and that can be integrated with the main online sites.
Developers and engineers wanted. Must be willing to give a prototype to Thibault for review.
Apply in this forum."

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