
mrpushwood has vanished

He might have had personal things to do, visiting family... it is a holiday.
Or since he is a master he might have had a tournament he is preparing for.
<Comment deleted by user>
Maybe he's tired of a forum for unmoderated nazi vomit?

Many people don't like that.
@sdkman said in #2:
> He might have had personal things to do, visiting family... it is a holiday.
> Or since he is a master he might have had a tournament he is preparing for.

I think many people have other things to do during the holidays besides chess... I have seen posts before searching for players taking break. I am sure that it is a great compliment to these forum writers and players that they are missed. Well done to Mr. Pushwood!
<Comment deleted by user>
I guess it's for a similar reason that Bruce Wayne vanishes sometimes. :).
"Active 2 hours ago"
He just doesnt post :)
However, I do miss the great pushwood's humorous antics.

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