
Donald Trump Vs Hilary Clinton

Well PRESIDENT Trump became the president. Hope he does a good job.
Apparently Condoleezza Rice was both the first black And first woman yank president....
Fun fact I heard on the radio today
@ #105:

"Condoleezza Rice was both the first black And first yank president.."

This ain't no fun. Perhaps this is about the problem with political education in the US?

" Rice was the first female African-American Secretary of State, as well as the second African-American Secretary of State (after Colin Powell), and the second female Secretary of State (after Madeleine Albright). Rice was President Bush's National Security Advisor during his first term, making her the first woman to serve in that position. Before joining the Bush administration, she was a professor of political science at Stanford University where she served as Provost from 1993 to 1999. Rice also served on the National Security Council as the Soviet and Eastern Europe Affairs Advisor to President George H. W. Bush during the dissolution of the Soviet Union and German reunification."

It is like with chess: Study the sources and sink before you type ;-) No typo.

See also
I called both Brexit and the Presidency correct....It wasn't difficult. There is a perceived threat from a fascist ideology again and having open borders runs contrary to the idea of being able to tackle the threat. Unfortunately, the left wing voters haven't addressed the perceived threat. Indeed, I'm one of them. I had never voted before Brexit despite having numerous opportunities previously. That's why the pollsters have got it wrong. I might not even agree with the policies that Trump or Farage have but at least I know they are taking threats seriously.

It was on BBC Radio 6 - one of the researchers and writers of QI... has his own book out. Apparently there was a panic and Rice took the office of President for about 6 minutes. I'm guessing that means with the security codes, everything.
The election is over. Now Trump is going to start fulfilling his promises. He promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it; cancel NAFTA; leave NATO; and most importantly,imprison Hillary Clinton. This election looked like it took place in the Ukraine.

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