
Bullet / Blitz / Slow ratings

I extended the idea: we can now see our "standard chess" and chess960 ELO and number of games.
Thibault, thanks for the scoreboard of Accounts between the rivals!
Awesome work thib.

While I do realize the elo will stabilize I have one quick question.
Both my bullet and standard ratings are 1725 but
my blitz and slow are lower.
Is that possible?
Also maybe I had a bit too much drinks but
shouldnt the names and the personal scores be reversed in order?
the scores are right but they are placed in the wrong spot maybe.
A small clarification to score Table. My nick vs Rival's nick - swap - Rival's nick vs My nick, so that it is clear who and how much has won. Otherwise now it turns out that the opponent has won as much as specified in "losses".
Thank you! Great job! I agree with the ChikiPuki. There's not quite clear who wins and losses.
я не соглашусь с Вами,не надо путать и смешивать всё вместе,индивидуалы должны отдельно играть ,а командные -только в командах и ЭЛО пусть будет индивидуальное и командное .А то команды Ваши-фикция.Одни и те же слоняются как наемники без зарплаты по вашим странным командам.Я не соглашусь никогда с вами.

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