
"Autumn Marathon 2022" - Is everyone really invited?

How about the 1st quarter marathon the 2nd quarter marathon the halftime show and then 3rd and 4th.
As someone in the southern hemisphere, I've had this issue with many things online, including Google trivia on how to recognize the phases of the moon — it should depend on which hemisphere you're in.

I've had a reasonable response from the lichess community: 80% of the human population is in the northern hemisphere. I was surprised at first, but that's obvious due to huge populations like China, Pakistan, India. On the other hand, oceans take most of the sourthern area.

Anyway my tropical country wouldn't benefit much from any season names. We basically have two seasons: wet and dry.
Okay, winter is summer and summer is winter in the southern hemispere and full moon names won't work either.

So how about ... Global Sunlight Chess Marathon with days that the world has the most sunlight at the same time?
In 108 days there could be another good day for a chess marathon ...

Instead of saying an Autumn Marathon, you could call it "Chess SE Marathon".
There are Solar Eclipses. Pick dates according to the solar Eclipse instead of seasons.

No mater what name is picked it needs to include everyone on this earth.
Whoa! What a funny question.
Yes, everyone is invited. Please think more logically. If normal users weren't invited, Lichess will write "Titled players can join this tournament"
Perhaps the tournament dates should align with the perihelion, aphelion, and dates halfway in-between...

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