
Lichess and ICC FIDE ratings and cheating - How are they related?

I ask:This man on site is "thibault"?I want to know his face.Thibault please give Our Your pictures for example from Uzbekistan

I, Amygdalae, as the greatest cheater ever on this site (not calling myself like that, but others are saying so), was suggesting to thiby a real anti-cheat system that actually will work a long time ago. But I think he didn't listened me trough the end.
Banning an IP adress doesn't solve anything and admins and mods should be aware of that. I have the solution. Just implement it.

I post this from another account as, of course, previous was "forum muted"
First of all this will not prevent cheaters from cheating using 2 Computers.
Cheating techniques number are rising but most of cheaters are cheating using two open windows.
- One for lichess and second is cheating program used to reproduce your moves as you are playing with your chess engine playing your opponents moves and engine tells you what you are supposed to play
- Same thing is with one window is lichess game and second one is another lichess game playing against computer with, of course, opposite sides.
- At same time cheater can start playing a regular game and when he/she thinks he/she will lose or playing wrong move in the middle of the game, or whatever the cause is, he/she can always download PGN file at the bottom of the game, open it from chess engine gui at starts cheating from there.

Long story short.
How to stop this?

It's simple, stop the user(cheater) from clicking any other window except the window he is currently playing. Any clicking on other tab, page, window should be detected by lichess. Users should be warned that when the game starts they cannot leave the current window and if so, they will lose the game. One leaving should be a yellow card and second a red card, and you lose the game. Registered user who clicks elsewhere often should be banned and marked.

As I say in the first place, this will not prevent cheating (for those using 2 computers), but it can significantly reduce cheating on lichess.
how much of work is needed to get those features. No way you can expect developers, thibault to do all this for free. If you are so strong play 0+1 games to keep away from cheaters. If you wanna play longer games restrict playing with a known pool of players. If you feel you are cheated once , don't play with the player again.
There's no "much" work, some stupid facebook games have implemented a similar feature, that won't let you leave the game/windows.
The real problem is above mentioned, some really good players put a lot of effort of gaining elo, and play with cheater, lose a lot of points, cheater is banned but points are gone.
It's kinda frustrating, if so, then why elo rating exists on lichess. Some good players here often plays 2+0 games. I can cheat at 2+0 and win, sense when the mate is near.
Maybe some 2000+ players want to play blitz with other 2000+ .
Playing bullet for avoiding cheaters is not a solution, it's a problem that is postponed for a long time now.
If this was my chess site, I will know that I couldn't prevent cheating totally but I might need to do everything what's in my power to improve the quality and decrease injustice on my site. I will feel responsible. I that kind of a man.
The tab switching detection was implemented and used long before you suggested it.

We only use it as a hint. There are many valid reasons to switch tabs during a game, and I won't just forbid it.
#13, yes,

ornicar (the person on GitHub) = thibault, full name Thibault Duplessis. He's the creator of this site. He's currently looking for a programming job! If you have anything available, hire him! :D

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