
Larger board?

Hi there, is there a way to make the board really large over the whole screen? Many thanks!
<Comment deleted by user>
Thanks for the reply, I saw that, but it does only allow to make the screen bigger to a certain point. I thought there might be a way to make it full screen...
@Jenium said in #1:
> Hi there, is there a way to make the board really large over the whole screen? Many thanks!
Drag the border from the bottom right corner. It will be larger, but not full screen. There is no way to view the board full screen.
@Jenium said in #3:
> Thanks for the reply, I saw that, but it does only allow to make the screen bigger to a certain point. I thought there might be a way to make it full screen...

Just zoom in, or use zen mode if u think the other stuff is too distracting. U can turn zen mode on by clicking on ur username at top right -> Preferences -> Game Display -> Turn Zen Mode on
@Jenium said in #6:
> Okay, thanks guys...
ты читер и я уже написал администрации сайта, тебя скоро заблокируют за читерство,
@Jenium said in #3:
> Thanks for the reply, I saw that, but it does only allow to make the screen bigger to a certain point. I thought there might be a way to make it full screen...
This is likely because then you wouldn't be able to see the clock, which is extremely important in chess.

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