
User (nboqu) falsely accusing me of cheating. What to do

This guy @nboqu falsely accusing me and has reported me for cheating. Saying ke2 is 100 percent an engine move. This is the best compliment also lol, I never use engines in games and I’m sure most players he will play this it is not a difficult move to spot. I reported back to lichens, so far my account is working well. I just want to know what to do when people falsely accuse you of cheating like this. Also this user is such a coward, he has blocked me after sending a message and insulting me , so I can not reply back to him. This is the match, I was white with alapin defence gone horrible wrong from the start and managed to save the match at the end which this user can not fathom.

It's a quiet move, right? but clearly not an engine move to me, you have an attack on black's king and need to bring your rook into the attack quickly or you will lose. Your king has only one move that gets out of the way of the rook. It's almost forced on white to do this (the next best moves from the engine look much more engine-y to me).

I think it's so not an engine move that you shouldn't worry at all, your opponent was likely making a joke referencing the 'Bongcloud' novelty opening (1.e4-e5 2.ke2) which people often pretend is a crushing move on turn 2.
@MymmiJ : Thanks exactly it was a waiting move, it is good habit to think checkmate over capture or material gain, that is what I did here. Problem is he has reported, he wasn’t joking, what annoyed me is he has blocked me after insulting me, so now I can’t reply back to the coward. Thanks for the support. There should be some system against false reporting in lichens too. Obviously my account is working fine as I did not cheat.
@Yousuf_Haitham : Ok I understand but I would not have posted this in the forum, if I was able to reply to this user on chat. Why does Lichess allow people to block others after insulting them, that is ridiculous. You say no public shaming but he has insulted me on private messages and and has blocked me so I can't reply, is that fair? Also what are you implying from that picture? Thanks.
22. Ke2 made perfect sense to me; the obvious plan was to bring the h1 rook out, and to do that the king needs to get out of the way. You don't need engine tactics to see that.
If you didn't cheat u have nothing to worry, lichess moderators don't just simply listen to reports they do an analysis of their own.
@Yousuf_Haitham I did report him, thanks for the analysis

@Raven_-v Yes you are right but what annoyed me here is that person insulting me via messages and then blocking me so I can't reply. Obviously I don't care about the cheating bit because I didn't do it. but it is such a coward move insulting others and blocking them so I can't reply. If he had not blocked me I would have discussed with this matter privately with him.

@Blundergus Thanks for the support
"it is such a coward move insulting others and blocking them so I can't reply"

And how long have you been online now? :D

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