
Why draw???????

I would like to make a contribution to this topic after having read the FIDE "laws of chess". It is said there:

- [chapter 9.3]: "A game is drawn, upon a correct claim by a player having the move, if: [...] the last 50 moves by each player have been completed without the movement of any pawn and without any capture.
- [chapter 9.6]: " .. the game is drawn [...] 75 moves have been made by each player without the movement of any pawn
and without any capture."

==> If one of the players is claiming a draw, then the 50 moves rule applies, if no-one claims, then the game is drawn applying the 75 moves rule.
==> Not clear for me why Lichess uses a 300 moves rule !?!
@jsch61KA said in #12:
> ==> Not clear for me why Lichess uses a 300 moves rule !?!

Probably so people like this don't waste resources playing a 5000 move game.

Think about it: If a game lasts 300 moves, what are the chances it's legit and not a troll?
"Are you sure you want to block Bishop_Mechanic?"

@Tony_xP2010 said in #15:
> But your opponent could resign so i dont really kbiw

That’s a relevant point. Maybe the opponent accepted, or found it ok and, who knows, fun, to play hundreds of moves with only his king against the hordes of white pieces. Maybe he thought it would be cool if he could manage to somehow get stalemate.
My guy, that is literally the most ridiculous match I have seen. You lost checkmate several, several times. you could've promoted, and gotten yourself the bullet rating several hundred moves earlier. I can't believe what I'm seeing. I agree with drawing in this circumstance, being what looks like a troll. You lost tons of forced checkmate sequences, instead you ran your king around your huge set of pawns several times. Instant Karma, he said. :)
@TipsChess_Official Belief me, there are many such games in the database. Some take it for fun; others seriously hope to become famous for having played the longest chess game in history.
@sheckley666 said in #18:
> @TipsChess_Official Belief me, there are many such games in the database. Some take it for fun; others seriously hope to become famous for having played the longest chess game in history.

I think this one may actually have been a legit game between to terrible Crazyhouse players:

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