
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

The idea of using and electromagnetic system is better than a robotic arm that can only do one move at a time for sure but one has been created one hasn’t so it appears...only matter of time that’s for sure since this took a big exposure.

@Panagrellus I said the product must not exist, seems a scam. I wouldn’t put my money into such deceptive stuff.

I think it is an idea. The game changer would be that the board is fast and accurate enough so that it can be used for online rapid or even blitz chess.

I am aware it's a scam, I have followed most of this long thread. (;
Just saying that it's so funny that almost every chess player would love to have this thing. I have to give credit to Angel, he found a weak spot of us chess players that would open our wallets, IF it was real.
@Panagrellus Yeah I mean the ideal seems legit in theory but the problem is deception and compete fake team ended it for me...But have no doubt someone’s working on this besides angel out there right now...such as square off guys or just some random person...I actually might try messing with the idea when I have free time. I’ve had similar ideas but mine involved a matrix system that would make the board flatter but really electromagnets are way to go.
Seems to be a joke. Everytime he cuts away the board „moved“ ;—)

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