
Is an average centipawn loss an indicator of a player cheating?

I had some doubts on this. So maybe hearing opinions from others will be very helpful!
A low ACP could also mean that a game more or less played itself for one of the players, because there were only very few decisions to make. Or that people played a rook and pawn ending for 100 moves where the evaluation was 0.00 the whole time, because even after losing a pawn the game is still a theoretical draw.
If someone has for example < 10 ACPL loss many games in a row then yes it's an indication that something might be going on. It's however perfectly possible to have that kind of game now and then. Just report if you have a doubt.
Surely most people have an average centipawn loss? wouldn't be average?
If neither player has a big advantage then a low ACPL may reveal signs of cheating. This won't be the case if the position is already totally won for one side, after which inaccuracies don't count.
Thank you for all your replies. So it is somewhat helpful though. It depends on the situation of every game.
low ACPL is one of many possible indicators. To make any kind of reasonable assessment you need expierence.

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