
My BOT got to 2000 in 2 days and played 118 games in the same period

Its nothings to brag about beating stockfish 8 cuz your bots are all using stockfish 13 or 12! if you really wanna prove that your bot is strong make your own engine and beat stockfish 8, Ill be satisfied with that... btw my bot uses stockfish 13 dev too soooo... anyway but seriously
I'm the author of @ladoga_engine and it's written in Swift from scratch in 2018. What I can add to this topic is that there are tons of bots that just run on Stockfish without any line of written code. I spent just a few days writing the @ladoga_engine and it's too weak, so any Stockfish on almost any hardware easily can gain rating on it. Even more, it runs on free Heroku instance which is too slow for calculations. So I'm sure that gaining a rating by playing against it is not the reason to be proud of.

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