
Twitter takes Donald Trump's account away but they don't take his finger of the football...

For spreading lies and misinformation Twitter closes Donald Trump's account for 12 hours warning that future violations will close his account permanently but nobody takes his finger off the nuclear button...
@SamuelCaplan Twitter could not ban Trump previously as it was the Twitter rules not to ban anyone is a position of power.
Now that Biden won Twitter can do anything they want to Trump.
@Vertonghen You can't say "Now that Biden WON". As for now, we don't know who will actually become US President because if these protests countinue then the Democrats might rethink about declearing US under their control. And besides, we don't know if all the postal-ballets were "actually" counted. We can't say anything until January 20, 2021, cause that's the day the next President (whoever that is) will swear in.

And till Biden swears in (if he does), Twitter can't do "anything they want to Trump". In fact, even today, Trump can ACTUALLY BAN TWITTER IN AMERICA (if he wants)!!

Politics can just be so crazy sometimes, you know.
Mr Chess Pro, please spare us the load of steaming horse shit you are spreading here. The pumpkin-faced clown tried to organize a coup by his most brainwashed supporters, so evil that even leading Republicans are considering removing him from office. And you think that under these circumstances Democrats will gladly submit a second term to the orange clown? Really? Have you gone completely bonkers?

And by the way: Ballots have been counted in Georgia three times. There were no notable differences. Besides that it was the orange clown who demanded to stop counting votes in Pennsylvania while he was leading but not all ballots had been counted.

And in the aftermath hair-dye Rudy had the opportunity to prove any voter fraud in more than sixty court cases. He didn't and he couldn't. All cases were thrown out by the judges due to lack of evidence for his and his bosses claims.

I'm getting more and more fed up with this antidemocratic BS. Trump lost the election and whoever claims otherwise has to bring evidence for it. You can't? Shut up FFS!

Someone skeptical about the election and has a tenuous grasp of facts and law? Color me surprised!

If the President can shut down any company he wants, why hasn't Trump shut down the NY Times, or Amazon, or any of the dozens of corporations he's attacked over the last four years? Can you name one president that shut down any company because he wanted to?

How would that process even work in your mind?
@Akshaj_the_Chess_pro There are laws in this country. They not back down because of a couple of protests. You think the protests are crazy? Imagine what would happen if Biden's win was overturned.
I don't know about USA, but China keeps banning Indian apps and India keeps banning Chinese apps.
So why can't President Trump ban Twitter in America?

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